Why OER?

OERs – A Solution to Engage Learners The Chronicle of Higher Education says 7 in 10 students didn’t purchase a textbook because it was too expensive. But how can students succeed without learning materials? Keirsten and Kodi discuss the solution of Open Education Resources (OERs), which are free and openly licensed learning materials available for all age and grade levels. They also share some challenges in using OERs and how to overcome them.
Source Materials: 
  1. Cooney, C. (2017) What impacts do OER have on students? Students share their experiences with a health psychology OER at New York City College of Technology. New York City College of Technology 18(4). 
  2. Open Washington. (2017, August 8). Module 10: Why OER Matters. Open Washington. https://www.openwa.org/module-10/ 
  3. Pennsylvania State University. (2021). Benefits of using OER. https://oer.psu.edu/benefits-of-using-oer/)  
  4. Trine University. (2021). Textbooks and learning materials at no cost to you. https://www.trine.edu/online/about/oer.aspx)
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